IRCA - ISO 45001 Lead Auditor Training

ISO 45001 Lead Auditor Course in Lucknow

ISO 45001 Lead Auditor Course

The ISO 45001 Lead Auditor course provides students with valuable skills and knowledge to become competent auditors capable of assessing organizations' occupational health and safety management systems. By obtaining lead auditor certification, students can enhance their career prospects, contribute to organizational success, ISO 45001 Lead Auditor Course in Lucknow and promote a culture of safety and well-being in the workplace. The benefits of ISO 45001 certification extend beyond regulatory compliance to include improved risk management, stakeholder confidence, and competitive advantage, making it a valuable investment for organizations committed to prioritizing health and safety. The ISO 45001 Lead Auditor course is a comprehensive training program designed to equip individuals with the necessary skills ISO 45001 Lead Auditor Course in Lucknow and knowledge to effectively audit Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems (OHSMS) based on the ISO 45001 standard.

Importance of ISO 45001 course

An ISO standard determines necessities for an OH&S the board framework. Associations can become affirmed to ISO 45001. The objective is to assist associations with diminishing working environment wounds and ailments by forestalling business related risks and further developing generally speaking OH&S execution. It follows an Arrangement Do-Check-Act system to oversee OH&S gambles. Understanding ISO 45001 can assist understudies with getting ready for professions in fields like word related wellbeing, HR, counseling, or consistence jobs. The standard is progressively embraced universally. Knowing ISO 45001 will be important in numerous enterprises and locales. Ideas in ISO 45001 like gamble relief, wellbeing society, episode examination are significant for understudies in specialized fields like designing, development and so on. Indeed, even in non-specialized jobs, understudies may ultimately oversee project workers or be engaged with further developing working environment security in their associations. Understudies keen on manageability, corporate obligation, or morals will find ISO 45001 pertinent to association wide prosperity and security culture.

Course Syllabus

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Course Features

  • Level Lead Auditor
  • Duration 5 Days
  • Examination 1 Day
  • Results Due 10 Working Days
  • Training Mode Classroom
Reg Fee